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10 Booking Ideas For 2015 That Can Make The Entire WWE Universe Happy

2. Turn The Usos Heel And Pair Them With Roman Reigns


There are sure acts in genius wrestling organizations that get so dug in on one side of the coin that when they're flipped (and force is kept up), they can really achieve the following level. WWE Network endorsers that saw The Usos "WWE 24″ unique (or audience members to Chris Jericho's podcast) realize that Jimmy Uso, Jay Uso and Roman Reigns lived respectively and broke into WWE together, as well. In the event that/when Reigns turns heel, blending him with his own family would bode well.

The Usos are darling babyfaces. The individuals cherish their passage, vitality and swagger, and on the off chance that you took those off of the show, and say, put Cesaro/Kidd into their spot as top babyface label group, the shift in inclination would be quick. Additionally, if Cesaro and Kidd are not kidding about getting that metal ring, guaranteeing that nothing was lost insofar as consistency of extraordinary matches from the "top babyface label group" opening on the card would absolutely be them effectively doing so.


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