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10 WWE Kisses That Got Your Heart Pumping

4. The Rock & Trish Stratus

This kiss was totally and absolutely arbitrary! 

In December of 2001, Vince, Pat Patterson, Michael Hayes or somebody with a touch of stroke backstage must have woken up one morning and thought: "You know what might be extraordinary? In the event that our top fellow and our top young lady…  snogged!" And they did that night on Smackdown. 

It takes after literally the same form as the Cena/Maria kiss. A blended label coordinate, the young lady is apprehensive, the uber-over and appealing babyface male lays one on her to get her to quit fussing! What's more, she offers it like she's been hit by Cupid's shaft. It's not advanced science. It is gruff and pushes the suspension of incredulity to the limit yet when you have a few as hot as The Rock and Trish, what does it make a differenc


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