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10 WWE Kisses That Got Your Heart Pumping

2. Matt Hardy & Lita

Ml 3

This kiss has clearly ended up discolored all things considered by the prior specified undertaking with Lita and Edge, however at the time it was a major ordeal. 

WWE had been running this point where a shabby Dean Malenko had been endeavoring to trap Lita into laying down with him, while the spunky and lively Lita was battling from the base, decided she could beat him in a match. 

In the end Lita, who was at the top of her prevalence with the fans as of now, succeeded in beating Malenko in a match, because of outside obstruction from Hardy, whom kissed her seemingly out of the blue after the session. Claiming to be embarrassed, he cleared out just for Lita to take after and lay an out and out smacker on his lips, complete with a pleasantly timed prompt of their passageway music!


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